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Shazam Casino GDPR Policy

Welcome to Shazam Casino, your ultimate destination for online gaming pleasure. At Shazam Casino, we prioritize your gaming experience, and part of our dedication involves adhering to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This policy outlines our commitment to ensuring the transparent and responsible handling of your personal data, going beyond the required standards to create a secure and enjoyable gaming environment.

Our Dedication to GDPR Compliance

At Shazam Casino, we recognize the significance of data protection and hold utmost respect for your privacy. Our commitment to GDPR compliance is unwavering, and we continually strive to surpass the stipulations of this regulation, providing you with a secure and delightful gaming atmosphere.

Legal Basis and Data Processing

Lawfulness, Fairness, and Transparency

Shazam Casino processes personal data with strict adherence to legal requirements, ensuring fairness and transparency in every aspect of our data processing activities. We collect and process data for legitimate purposes, ensuring that our users are fully informed about the reasons behind each instance of data processing.

Purpose Limitation

Our data collection and processing are focused on specific, explicit, and legitimate purposes. Any additional processing beyond the initial purpose requires clear notification to users, and their consent is obtained before proceeding.

Data Minimization

Shazam Casino strictly adheres to the principle of data minimization, collecting only the essential data required for specific purposes. This not only reduces the risk of unnecessary exposure but also ensures that we handle only the information necessary to enhance your gaming experience.

User Rights

Right to Access

Users at Shazam Casino possess the right to request access to their personal data held by us. We have established a transparent process that allows users to obtain information about the personal data we process and understand the reasons behind each processing activity.

Right to Rectification

Shazam Casino is dedicated to maintaining the accuracy of the personal data we hold. Users are empowered to request corrections to any inaccuracies in their information, contributing to data accuracy and reliability.

Right to Erasure

Users can request the deletion of their personal data under certain circumstances. Shazam Casino commits to complying with such requests, ensuring the lawful and secure disposal of user data.

Right to Restriction of Processing

Users have the right to restrict the processing of their personal data. Shazam Casino respects and acknowledges user preferences, implementing necessary restrictions on data processing activities.

Right to Data Portability

Supporting data portability, Shazam Casino allows users to obtain and reuse their personal data for their own purposes across different services. We provide this information in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format.

Data Security

Technical and Organizational Measures

Shazam Casino implements robust technical and organizational measures to protect user data from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, and destruction. Our security measures undergo regular reviews and updates to address emerging threats and maintain a high level of data protection.

Data Breach Response

In the event of a data breach, Shazam Casino has a comprehensive response plan in place. We conduct prompt assessments to determine the impact, notify affected users, and collaborate with relevant authorities to address and mitigate the consequences.

Data Processing Transparency

Privacy Notices

Shazam Casino provides clear and concise privacy notices to users, offering detailed information about the purposes, legal basis, and other relevant aspects of the processing of their personal data. Transparent communication empowers users with knowledge about how their data is handled.

Consent Mechanism

When required, Shazam Casino obtains user consent for specific data processing activities. We provide clear and easily accessible options for users to grant or withdraw consent, ensuring that users maintain control over their data.

Data Transfers and Third-Party Processing

International Data Transfers

Shazam Casino ensures that international data transfers comply with GDPR regulations. We implement appropriate safeguards, such as Standard Contractual Clauses or Binding Corporate Rules, to protect the privacy and security of user data.

Third-Party Processing

Engaging third-party processors, Shazam Casino conducts thorough assessments to ensure compliance with GDPR standards. We establish clear agreements outlining the responsibilities and obligations of third-party processors regarding user data.

Data Protection Officer

To oversee GDPR compliance, Shazam Casino has appointed a Data Protection Officer (DPO). The DPO monitors data processing activities, provides guidance on privacy matters, and serves as a point of contact for users and supervisory authorities.

GDPR Policy Review and Updates

Shazam Casino is dedicated to regularly reviewing and updating our GDPR policy to align with evolving regulatory requirements and best practices. Proactively addressing emerging privacy concerns ensures that our users can trust us with their personal data.